пятница, 27 июня 2014 г.

download SailformsPro Relational DB 1.9.6g apk free

SailformsPro Relational DB


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Relational Application Builder

SailformsPro is a powerful, but easy to use Forms Application builder.

SailformsPro comes preload with forms and applications you can use and modify.

You can take Sailforms Forms you have built and hook them together in an Application System.

You can connect Forms, look up values, get and put values between forms.

You can setup transactions to Add and Subtract values to remote forms, these transactions automatically adjust when values are changed and deleted.

Pivot Tables let you embed remote form entries in a form to list and select common related values.

Define buttons and menus to control the work flow.

Look at the application samples to see what can be done with SailformsPro.

Download .apk

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