Billig Tanken AT
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Billig Tanken AT shows you the most current fuel prices in Austria. The data is based on the E-Control Spritpreisrechner and on community provided data.
Billig Tanken AT offers features like color coding of prices and data quality, favorite gas stations, search at different locations, exact travel distances, map display and navigation.
The E-Control Spritpreisrechner application shows only 5 results, which is very limited. Billig Tanken AT shows many more results, and will always include your favorite gas stations. Finding the best gas station for you never has been easier.
Differences between full version and free version:
Free: background update interval is limited to 3 hours or less, ads
Full: background update interval can be more than 3 hours, no ads
Version history and explanation of permissions on the app website.
Tags: cheap, gas station, e-control, spritpreisrechner, diesel, super, petrol, fuel, austria
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