ICD HD 2012
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ICD Premium puts the complete, latest ICD 10 CM , ICD 10 PCS ,ICD 9 CM ,ICD 9 PCS & HCPCS on your Android Phone or Honeycomb tablet.
Complete details for ICD 9 & 10 (details , include , exclude , abbreviations and DRG) plus mapping diagnosis and procedures from ICD 9 codes to ICD 10 codes.
One universal app for Android Phone or Honeycomb tablet , you do not need to purchase two applications , this app will work on all your Android devices
The 2011 I codes are instantly searchable and also browsable by their traditional categories. Search by code or description, through the whole ICD10,ICD9 & HCPCS or through just a category or selected nonspecific code. Images within the list indicate whether a code is specific or nonspecific. Tap to view the diagnosis and the full text of its standard description and to add it to your Favorites list for immediate access later.
*** If you'd like to try ICD Premium before you buy, please download our FREE version, ICD 10 Lite,ICD 9 Lite,HCPCS Lite. ***
Features at a glance:
1.★ Complete 2011 ICD9-CM diagnosis codes ,ICD 9 PCS , ICD 10 CM Diagnosis , ICD 10 PCS ad HCPCS codes, with all sub codes and all long descriptions: over 274,000 individual codes, instantly accessible?
2.★ Search within any list of codes, by code number, by diagnosis, and by full text of long descriptions?
3.★ Browse codes by category and subcategory; easily limit searches to particular categories?
4.★ Distinguish specific from non-specific codes at a glance; tap a non-specific code to view its specific children. Navigate to its parent to quickly compare one specific diagnosis to another, ensuring you code for maximum reimbursement every time.?
5★ Keep a Favorites list of diagnoses and procedures, which may include specific and nonspecific codes.
6★ Allow add shareable notes to ICD & HCPCS .
7★ Show Mapping from ICD 10 to ICD 9 or ICD 9 to ICD 10 and type of mapping direct or approximate
8★ Unlimited number of favorite icd codes can be set .
9★ Auto suggest to make search in ICD codes more powerful and easy to use .
10★ Easy to customize through setup to change the way of display , share and Email ICD codes.
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